Summer Camp Content

What would you do if one of your former campers or counselors were taken captive? How could your camp community take action on behalf of the hostages?

Parsha pages

Jewish Moments Parsha pages Individual parsha pages that were created Va’era Download Parsha Page Bo Download Parsha Page Beshalach Download Parsha Page Yitro Download Parsha Page Mishpatim Download Parsha Page Terumah Download Parsha Page Tetzaveh Download Parsha Page Ki Tissa Download Parsha Page VaYakhel Download Parsha Page Pekudei Download Parsha Page Vayikra/ Shabbat Zachor Download […]

Counting Up

What can we learn from Jewish tradition about the act of counting? How might counting help us keep the awareness of the plight of the captives in our hearts and in the minds of others?

Symbols of Friendship

How can an element of pop-culture help bring awareness to the hostages that were abducted from the music festival and from other locations in Israel on October 7, 2023? Can we harness the power of a bracelet, a symbolic representation worn on our wrist, to spread the message of hope to those around us?

Meet the Hostages’ Parents

Using moving and powerful clips from two episodes of Israel Story’s Wartime Diaries podcast series, we will meet the parents of two hostages—Hersh Goldberg-Polin and Alon Ohel, both of whom were abducted from the Nova music festival on October 7—and hear about the different ways in which they take action toward the release of their sons.

The Yamim Project

This year, in anticipation of the “Yamim” in a post October 7th world, the M² team commissioned designer Eli Kaplan Wildmann to create evocative artwork which can be used as a facilitation tool to engage learners in the experiences and feelings they have encountered during the past months. We invite you to use these postcards / posters also as a way to engage with the questions of memory and independence in a situation where we still have over 101 people being held captive in Gaza.

When the Four Children Aren’t There to Ask Questions at the Seder

Based on the traditional “Four Children” of the Haggadah, and the ritual of the “Four Questions”, this unit provides suggestions for ways we might adopt the question-asking element of the Seder to provoke timely, thoughtful questions and discussion at our Seder this year.

The Fast of Esther: A Time for Communal Gathering & Solidarity

There is a commandment in the Torah which calls on every person over the age of 20 to contribute a half-shekel to the community. This commandment is read in synagogues today during the regular Torah reading cycle, with an additional reading that highlights this commandment on the Shabbat leading into the month of Adar (or Adar Bet during a leap year). How can we use the values behind this mitzvah to illustrate the importance that each and every person contribute to bringing the hostages home?

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