Jewish Moments

Weekly Words of Torah

What inspiration and learning might we find in this week’s Parsha (Torah Portion) about the issue of the hostages?

Are you a Jewish leader who has an opportunity to teach and inspire based on the weekly Torah portion? Shabbat is a time for reflection, learning and inspiration. How might Torah and the Jewish weekly time cycle help you keep the issue of hostages in the forefront of your community’s agenda? Each week, come here to download the Parsha Page which provides access points and action items connected to this week’s Parsha. Use this as a foundation and inspiration for writing and delivering your own personalized Dvar Torah.

Adults Teens Young adults
Vayeshev, from the Parsha Posters book by Hillel Smith
These materials were developed in partnership with the students and faculty of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies.

Dedicate this activity in honor of

Oz Daniel Z״L

Oz was taken hostage by Hamas on October 7. He was murdered in Gaza captivity and his body has been held since.

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